
This week is seriously dragging on and all I want is for it to be Friday. I get to go home and celebrate my birthday (a little early) and see the loves of my life aka my parents. I haven’t seen them since January and it is seriously breaking my heart. I am a huge homebody, and if I don’t get my “home-fix” every so often I go insane.

Talking about my parents makes me the happiest person alive. So I’m going to write about another one of my mom’s favorite songs. It’s a duet by Colbie Caillat and Jason Mraz, “Lucky”, and it is probably one of the prettiest songs I’ve ever heard. I’ve always been a huge fan of both of them, but this song is just pure gold.

Lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

My goal in my love life is to fall in love with my best friend. I mean that by saying I want to find someone who makes me, happy, and loves me for me. I think those qualities come from a best friend, and can be best found in a friend first. Friends are the family you get to choose in life, isn’t that the same as a husband? They become your family and you choose them so I feel the connection is close. Plus, I’m just a hundred percent myself around my friends and family which is the best way to be.

They don’t know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I’ll wait for you, I promise you, I will

Like I’ve mentioned before I fall in love with lyrics, waiting for love seems like it takes a life time. I know I’m only 20 (almost 21!) but as girls watching movies programs us to think that it is out there. That something big will happen, we will be swept off our feet. It’ll happen, but you have to put yourself out there. But I love the fact that this song says that when they say goodbye they never want to stop. It’s adorable, and exactly what I want. I have high hopes I know that, but why settle for something less than love? We should want the best for ourselves, and no we shouldn’t just “accept the love we think we deserve” unless that love is 100% the best it can be.

Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess, regardless of what day it is. Find the love that is worth it, that makes you feel lucky that you’re in love with your best friend.

Love, Lindsey

February 27, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , , . love songs, music. 1 comment.

The point of delusion

This weekend has been the most insane weekend of my life. I have never laughed, cried, bonded or loved something so much. We had recruitment, and although it was draining it was also fantastic. So this blog may be a little different than usual.

There is nothing like recruitment weekend for a sorority, the level of bonding that happens is off the charts amazing. You meet an amazing group of women that could possibly join you’re sorority all while going through the experience with an already amazing group of women. I know having this experience has made best friends from girls who I didn’t talk to. Everything I said to the potential new members about how unique and stellar my sisters are was 100% truth. There is something about standing for three days straight in a  room, praying you get great girls, and pushing each other to be the best we can be that makes a sisterhood so real. Plus, those songs really get stuck in your head.

There is nothing like preference day and bid night. It is such a thrill to see all those girls “come home” to your sorority and be there to welcome them with open arms. I started crying because I saw two girl crying, it was a big emotional event. I wouldn’t trade a second of this weekend for anything in the world. It was something so incredible it makes the words fly out of my head.

There is something about putting the time in that makes the outcome all the better, which is why I’m obsessed with Josh Turner’s song “Time is Love”. I know that putting all this time in for our new members was completely worth it, and that they will make an incredible addition to our family. I know we had to “put in the hours” to find our new members.

Time is love gotta run, gotta fly

Angels were meant to fly, I think Josh Turner knew I would be talking about my sorority with this song.

But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She’s where I need to be,

Side note about this: I love it to pieces, because it just makes me feel like I’m floating on air. If someone sang this to me, I would probably marry them on the spot.

My sisters are a perfectly great reason to blog, and to share this song with. They might not all like country music, but at least it’s really cute. Now off to my bed to sleep until forever!

Congrats to all the new angels! I made one of the best decisions when I went Greek, and I’m sure that you’ll feel the same way too.

Love, Lindsey

February 19, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , . music. Leave a comment.


The big day is finally here, it is finally the fourteenth of February.

Happy Valentines Day!

For a blog that is full of love, today is a special day near and dear to my heart. It may not be my favorite day yet, but it is a day full of love which can’t be too bad. I fully enjoyed the chocolate I got from my nutrition professor, it was dark chocolate so it’s better for you, and the cute valentines day cards I got from my sorority sisters.  Our postal service isn’t very good though, so with it already being awful and the snow I couldn’t get my mom’s package. Twenty years later and my mom is still the best valentine!

Personally, I am a huge fan of the romantic comedies where they have a bunch of really good actresses and actors and they have these separate story lines that all somehow connect in the end. That being said there just so happens to be a great movie like that centering around this happy holiday. Valentines Day the movie with Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Gardner, Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, Emma Roberts, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Patrick Dempsey, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Kathy Bates and Eric Dane. It’s crazy how many big romantic comedy legends are in the film.

The movie takes a look at all different types of love; young, old, engagements, cheating, unlikely couples, family, and the atmosphere of valentines day. I love all of the story lines partially because they all have some type of happy ending. Even if Jessica Alba does leave Ashton Kutcher on the day he proposed, at least he gets to kiss Jennifer Gardner. A movie about Valentines Day shouldn’t ignore the ugly, but it should have a happy ending. Today is the day to watch great sappy love stories, it can’t end too sad. This movie is a must for today, if you don’t have it rent it.

I’m not the biggest supporter of today, mainly because I don’t have a valentine. But, I did receive really uplifting texts from friends and family today. Sure people will argue today is a made up holiday that the card companies use to make money and that it is solely a capitalistic venture, but I have to argue with that. So what if it is all about capitalist and money? What is so wrong about celebrating love for one day? Although I agree when people say it shouldn’t be just one day, but isn’t one day to be a sappy, happy person a good thing? I loved making a valentine for my friends and seeing the smile on their faces. It feels good to feel loved. It isn’t singles awareness day, it’s a great day to tell the people in your life just how much they mean to you.

All people should embrace the day, and walk into it with a smile. Wear pink or red, say Happy Valentines Day to total strangers, buy that three dollar rose they are selling in the student center for a friend. You don’t have to make a card or buy into the capitalism of the day, just enjoy the time to tell the people you love that you love them. Someone loves you, and you love someone (even if it’s just your parents) and that is worth celebrating. So be a bright ball of sunshine today and smile in the face of those who snarl at you. Oh, and eat lots of chocolate too!

Have a lovely Valentines Day.

Love, Lindsey

February 15, 2013. Tags: , , , , , . movies, romantic comedy. Leave a comment.

Blast from the past.

Since it is loves favorite week to make an appearance I feel this week is a very important week to blog. I don’t usually go way back in the vault of love songs, I like to keep things current. Yet, as I was debating over what song to talk about I couldn’t help but think of an oldie but goodie. When I say old, I mean the year was 1963 old. That’s one of the fantastic things about growing up with amazing parents, they give you a music education from a young age of the classics.

I wanted to feature The Chiffons “One Fine Day” because it is a fun, happy, and hopeful song that I think every girl should listen to at one point or another. You’ve probably heard it in the movie, The Wedding Date or in Riding in Cars with Boys. There is just something so universal about the message:

One fine day, you’re going to want me for your girl.

One day I know you’re going to look at me and realize that I was the one, and that you actually want me as the one. That happens all the time on Valentines Day, the boys ask you to “go steady”. ( I couldn’t resist the terminology) I just love how it’s a girl saying, one day you are going to want me. One day you’ll be “proud to have me by your side”. Isn’t that all we really want to start? Someone who’s proud to call us theirs? Isn’t that what Valentines Day is really about? The public display of affection, a declaration of love.

One fine day, you’ll look at me  and you will know our love was meant to be.

We all want that instant gratification of someone looking at us and saying, wow that’s exactly who I want. It may seem shallow, and quite frankly it can be if they take it just based off looks. Yet, it would be a fine day indeed if the exact guy you wanted decided they wanted you too. If they walked out before, or if they were just friends and nothing more. That day when they pick up their head and realize, something special is right in front of me. I think every girl deserves to feel that, but I also think that every girl is special in their own right. No guy should decide if you are special or not, you are. One fine day girls, you’re going to be wanted by the person you want.

I saw a tweet the other day that said, “I want to be rich someday so I can send flowers to all the girls who won’t be getting any of Valentines Day. You’re all beautiful. #Ipromise” This just goes to show you, there are good fish left in the sea, and there is hope for all the Valentineless girls. Check the song out if you’ve never heard it. And check back Thursday on the big day!

Love, Lindsey

February 13, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , . love songs, music. 1 comment.

Fun Fact

Here’s a fun fact that you may not know about me, besides a maid of honor and bride, I’ve been each role in a wedding party. I’ve been a flower girl, a junior bridesmaid and bridesmaid. It may be obvious, but I love weddings. They have something so magical about them that can make even a cynic tear up.

I’ll never forget being a bridesmaid in my cousin’s wedding. I was a sophomore in high school and I loved every bit of that summer wedding. I loved my pink dress and my really pretty bouquet.  I loved staying up the whole night before with my cousin, I was that girl who kept her up all night because I couldn’t sleep. Poor girl was stuck awake for most of the night, so my fault. There was just something about seeing her in that gorgeous gown and walking down the aisle that made me so emotional. She was the perfect bride.

Now something that I had never thought of before I watched Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses was to look at the groom when the bride is walking down the aisle and see his expression on his face. The fear, the excitement that huge gamete of emotions will be right here on his face, and his facial expression can pretty much say it all about the marriage. I’m so excited to look at the groom when I go to every wedding from now on, of course I’ll take a glimpse of the bride walking down the aisle, but I want to see how he’s feeling. I think that is a pretty good sign of how far the marriage will go, if he’s looking like a scared little boy and not for the regular this is a lifetime of commitment thing then maybe you picked the wrong guy.

The movie was fantastic, Heigl plays such a likeable and relatable character. As women we are programmed to always please people. We think that it is our job to put everyone above ourselves, to push for their happiness and eventually karma will come our way. I don’t know if I could manage being in 27 weddings, but I’m only 20 (none of my friends currently married) and I’ve already made it in 3. That isn’t even close, but I do love weddings.

Lets be honest, I totally watched this movie just to see James Mardsen, because he is adorable and can be my leading man any day. But what I got from the movie was a fun-loving appreciation for the girls who try to do everything, and for the look a groom has when his bride walks down the aisle.

Do you have any fantastic wedding memories? Have you Pinterested your wedding out already? I know my Pinterest board is pretty serious in this area. ( a great way to pass time, and get really cute ideas.

Love, Lindsey

February 12, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , . movies, romantic comedy. Leave a comment.

Defining Time

Yesterday was a very exciting day in my family. It was my parent’s 23rd wedding anniversary. I consider 23 years a pretty good amount of time, and couldn’t be luckier to have the parents I do. My mom and I have a little bit of an obsession with Christina Perri.  We could listen to her music on repeat for days and still not be sick of it. In fact, over break my mom had her CD in the car which we replayed over and over again. Needless to say, my dad got really tired of it.

But in celebration of their anniversary I’m picking “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri for today’s blog post. This song is incredibly beautiful and very  soothing. I know my parents haven’t been together for a thousand years, but the lyrics celebrate love and the fact that can still last. I know it was used for The Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 , but I found the song because of Christina Perri.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall 

Hello every girl from 18-20 years old who is afraid to get involved with someone because they don’t want to get hurt. How is it possible to love when we are afraid to fall? If we don’t take the first leap you can’t get any further. Love is always going to be scary, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. At 20-25 this is the time of our lives where we are thinking to the future and getting into relationships that start to define our future. Nothing wrong with being single ladies though.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

I honestly believe that this song is beautiful enough to be a wedding song, it would be the perfect song to have a first dance to. Can you imagine being with someone for 20+ years, let alone a thousand if that were possible? Can you imagine being happy and happily married for those years? Every marriage is going to have days that aren’t perfect. Life isn’t about being perfect. Life is about being with someone who makes you happy, even if they drive you mad sometimes.

Like the song, I believe I will find someone and that you will too. (If you haven’t already)

Love, Lindsey

February 5, 2013. Tags: , , , , , . music. 1 comment.

Oh Sweetheart,

I belong with you, you belong with me, you’re my sweetheart

That’s simple enough right? I belong with you, and you belong with me. That is beautiful and straight to the point. Why can’t all guys be like that? Why can’t we just go up to someone and say listen, I just belong with you and you just belong with me because you are my sweetheart? Life would be so much easier if everyone said what they wanted when they wanted.

I think as gender relations go we talk in code. Well, as a girl I over-analyze everything a male says to me and basically come up with the most ridiculous explanations in my head. Like most girls, I have the weird notion that if a guy isn’t texting you he doesn’t want to text you, or if he is and he says something sweet he could like you. Our logic is purely flawed though, because well boys don’t seem to put half as much energy into the whole process of texting as girls.

Like why would a guy text a girl out of the blue, but then not want to continue a conversation? I don’t think I’ll ever figure that one out, but I will be patiently waiting for the day someone says I belong with you, you belong with me, you’re my sweetheart.

If you don’t know the lyric, it’s from The Lumineers popular song. “Ho Hey”. The song is one of my new favorites and opened me up to their album which was the first album to make it to my car as a playlist in forever.

Love- We need it now Let’s hope for some

Love, I think we all need to feel love at one point or another. Not just the unconditional love from our parents, but unconditional love from another human being that doesn’t have to love us.  Although, every family dynamic is different I think we all want someone to love us who we love back.  An important component of love is hope. If we have no hope that we can love and be loved then we won’t be able to love. Hope is a funny thing, you should never give up hope.  Those feelings that you can’t see/touch are always the most important. Just because it isn’t tangible doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

So have a little hope tonight and listen to The Lumineers, maybe they’re on to something. You may be my sweetheart.

Love, Lindsey

February 1, 2013. Tags: , , , , . music. Leave a comment.

Mystery Love Story

Tonight I did one of my favorite things to do, I did a little cooking. Since it’s so cold out I made tomato soup with rice and a grilled cheese, it was pretty much the perfect meal. Usually when I make a winter meal like that I really want to just snuggle up with a good romantic comedy. Something that will make me laugh, after a long day I really don’t want to cry. When I was thinking of what movie I’d want to watch tonight if I didn’t have a very long to-do list I thought of the really cute rom-com Definitely, Maybe.

Ryan Reynolds plays the most adorable dad, the type of guy you would want to marry and have children with. Who is recently getting divorced from one of his only three loves in life. While married they had a child named Maya, played by the incredible Abigail Breslin.  One night when Maya is staying with Will (Ryan Reynolds) she asks him to tell her the story of how he met her mom. Will reluctantly agrees on one condition, he’s changing all the names and making it in Maya’s words “a mystery love story.”

I don’t want to give away too much of the ending, but Ryan Reynolds does end up going after one of the women from his story. Summer, April and Emily are the three loves of his life. He dates them a lot too, the story revolves around all of his interactions with them. The most interesting part to me in this rom-com is the suggestion that time isn’t an issue when it comes to love.

I’d have to say that I agree with the movie. I think that love is something timeless and all together is something that has no limit. It has no rhyme, nor reason. It always perseveres and it will always be patient. If something is meant to happen, if fate wants you to end up with someone you absolutely will. If  one, five or even ten years has gone by and there is just someone who you really love or have feelings for, or even just never got the chance to have a chance with don’t wait any longer. If you feel like someone is worth being in your life, be in their life. They may have moved on, or maybe they haven’t. They may only have room for a friend, if you’ve waited way too long and they’ve already fallen in love with someone else, but isn’t being someone’s friend better than being nothing at all?

The beautiful thing about love is that you usually start as friends, and if you don’t start as friends you surely become friends to step into that next level. I think it is really important to keep those who are important to you in your life, even on the condition that you can’t be with them. Who knows, you might have moved on too but it is important to have some contact with that person.

It changed Ryan Reynolds life in the movie, going after something that he had once wanted so who says it can’t change yours? Go after something you want tonight, or maybe even tomorrow.

Love, Lindsey

January 30, 2013. Tags: , , , , . movies. Leave a comment.

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